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                                                            exhibition statement

...his snow upon the roof, his icicles along the wall to keep... (R. Frost, Old Man's Winter Night) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

Winter Lady (J. Mitchell) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

...the smell of hay in the snow and the far owl... (D. Thomas, A Winter's Tale) 8x10" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

An hour of winter day might seem too short To make it worth life's while to wake and sport (R. Frost) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

The cold earth slept below; Above the cold sky shone (P. Shelley) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

...quietly shining to the quiet Moon (S. T. Coleridge) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

So near to paradise all pairing ends: Here loveless birds now flock as winter friends... (R. Frost) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

When all the fields lay bound and hoar Beneath a thick integument of snow (H. D. Thoreau) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

It lifts existence on a plane of snow One level higher than the earth below (R. Frost, A Winter Eden) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel price available upon request

Winterlong (N. Young) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel SOLD

Song for a Winter's Night (G. Lightfoot) 10x8" 2014 oil on panel NFS

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